The California Endowment is seeking input from its partners on how funds should be allocated over the next few years.
Last month, the The California Endowment (TCE) Board of Directors released a visioning statement for the work of TCE beyond 2020, when the ten-year Building Healthy Communities (BHC) campaign draws to a close, said TCE President and CEO Robert K. Ross in a letter.
The statement advocates for a healthier, inclusive California by enforcing “Three Bold Ideas:” People Power; Reimagining Our Institutions; and 21st Century “Health for All” system.
“We believe a racial equity lens to this work is critical,” Ross said in the letter. “These ideas have flowed from our experience with you as grantees and as our partners.”
To build a healthier, more just and equitable California, BHC partners are encouraged to provide input in a TCE survey, which is the first step in planning for the future.
Partners can partake in the survey through Dec. 14, and after, TCE will share the findings of the survey by May 2019.
“I’d like to convey, on behalf of our Board, our appreciation for the work of wellness, equity, and justice that you do,” Ross said in the letter to BHC partners.
He continued: “If the past two years of our divided nation’s political discourse has taught us anything, it is the role that philanthropy must play in being more intentional about voice, civic participation, youth engagement, and community organizing – what we have learned as People Power — in pursuit of a vision of wellness for our state.”