Community to cultivate to serve farm workers on Migrant Farm Worker Community Appreciation Day

March 20, 2019 /

Los Angeles-based non-profit is looking for volunteers and donations to help recognize and serve farm workers on the 4th annual Lets. Cultivate: Migrant Farm Worker Community Appreciation Day event in April.

Lets.Cultivate, put on by Lets.Give, is a day of appreciation and giving for local farm workers and their families.

Nonprofit Lets.Give encourages youth to get more involved in their community through community service and provides monthly volunteer opportunities through three main initiatives: community, culture, and global. The non-profit organization is partnering with the Dolores Huerta Foundation and local radio stations The Beat 103.9 and La Campesina 92.5.

The organizations are currently collecting gently used and new clothes, shoes and books and new toy donations. These donations will be delivered to migrant farm workers in Delano. Donations can be dropped off the day of the event at noon, or the community can schedule for donations to be picked up at the preferred location.

The organizers are also seeking volunteers to help sort through clothing and toy donations, to help with the kids craft corner and to help serve food on the day of the event.

Hairstylists, massage therapists, health specialists and restaurant food donations are also needed. The organizers want to offer free haircuts, massages and health screenings to the farm workers and their families.

“We hope that by mobilizing the local community to spend a day with those who give so much to us, we can make the day even more beautiful for these farm workers and their children,” said Jessica Martinez, a volunteer with Lets.Give.

The event takes place on Sunday, April 14 in Delano from 1-4 p.m. Those interested in volunteering can email

Photo courtesy of Let’s.Give from the first Let’s.Cultivate clothing drive in Bakersfield. The bags are stuffed with gently used clothes donated from members of the community.