The Kern High School District invites the community to its fifth community forum, regarding student behavior and school climate in the District.
The forum will include reports on 2018-2019 suspensions, involuntary transfers, voluntary transfers, expulsions, student discipline and referral data, current school climate survey results, the status of the District’s Training Plan and staff development, an overview of the District policies, procedures, and practices related to Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, Multi-Tiered System of Supports, student behavior expectations, and discipline, says a news release.
“As we approach our fifth community forum, we are appreciative of the continuous opportunity to share information with members of the Bakersfield community about the programs and services that support our students academically, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally,” said
Brenda Lewis, KHSD Associate Superintendent of Instruction. “These programs and services support the KHSD mission, which is to graduate students prepared to succeed in their future endeavor.”
The Community Forum begins at 7 p.m. on Sept. 24 in DeMello Hall at West High School, 1200 New Stine Road.
KHSD will provide translation services at the Community Forum held at West High School and for each of the teleconferencing sites, which are at Shafter, Arvin, and Kern Valley High Schools.