Following a school year consisting of mostly virtual learning, Bakersfield College has given students the opportunity to enroll in a hybrid learning style.
Hybrid learning will provide students with asynchronous learning elements such as online exercises and pre-recorded video instruction along with their in person classroom sessions.
Ricardo Leyva, a 2021 graduate of Cesar Chavez High School, has been accepted into Bakersfield College to continue his education. Leyva will be attending Bakersfield College’s Delano campus beginning on August 21 where he will be taking general classes while he decides on a major he finds interesting.
“With the help of my academic advisors at BC, they have helped me enroll in the right classes and I’m confident they will lead me onto the right track for my future education,” said Leyva. “I was indecisive with enrolling this school year but the advisors have made it easier and more understandable for me.”
Since Leyva spent his senior year of high school adjusting to virtual learning, he plans to use the techniques he has learned throughout his future learning career. These skills include navigating technology better and time management.
“It is very complicated working on school work from home,” said Leyva. “ I tend to get distracted with my sister and chores.”
He claims that his feelings about starting his first year as hybrid learning wouldn’t have been much different than if he was starting classes fully face-to-face. He is thinking positively about what he will go through as a first year college student and has made his expenses just as much of a priority as his education.
“I know I will be saving a lot of time and commuting expenses through hybrid learning,” said Leyva. “For me this experience works better for me now, I wouldn’t be saying this a year ago, but I have adapted to new ways of learning.”
As well as Leyva entering BC confident and excited he knows there are still a lot of experiences he needs to overcome. Communication and different campuses will be the biggest challenges, but with the support systems he has, he knows he will be successful, he just needs to be patient.
Leyva is comfortable starting college since he will be reunited with his friends from high school. He believes that being with the people that he experienced virtual learning with will make his college journey less stressful. Being vaccinated will also play a huge role in his feelings of safety and will encourage him to attend classes.