For many Kern County campesinos, January 19 and 20 will be a day filled with care for them and their loved ones. The Celebration Nation Foundation and Flowers In Spanish have provided legal services, free clothing, toys, equipment for farm workers, and free family portraits for farm working families taken by photographer Adam Perez. The Celebration Foundation aims to empower and expose the inequalities in the Latino community.
With the recent Immigration raids occurring across California, many have gathered in support of farm workers and those who are undocumented by attending Know Your Rights workshops that allow them to learn their rights and what to avoid if met by an ICE agent. Today, many parents and their children were in attendance eager to learn and ask questions.
One community member was welcomed to the stage to advise other community members in the audience on how they can come together to combat these issues by educating themselves on their rights.
“Hay que asistir, para que ganemos esta lucha, para que no siga esta situación, por favor los invito que no dejemos que otras personas hagan el trabajo para nosotros,” said the community member.
Flor Martinez Zaragoza, activist, and CEO of Celebration Nation has made it her effort to advocate for Latinos, Indigenous, and Farmworkers across California. Through her organization, she is actively getting involved with the community to give back in any way possible. At the moment she is working on creating a page on social media that not only notifies but confirms people of border patrol sightings in California.
“These events make me emotional because you see the trust the community has in organizations such as Celebration Nation and you also see how they are only humans trying to provide for their families. [They] are here to do honest and hard work. The work that makes sure this country is fed, work that others may not know how to do or can’t do.” said Martinez
Martinez goes on to say these events are vital as they demonstrate to the community that they are seen, cared for, and supported.
“When you are undocumented, you seclude yourself from the world, you stay in the shadows, you become unaware of who to trust. So it’s honoring to witness many farm workers show up to these events and have that trust. Especially right now as these raids are occurring but it’s emotional and honoring to serve as one of those resources for these farm working communities,” said Martinez.
The Celebration Nation Foundation partnered with Immigo, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to assisting immigrants and their families with reliable immigration resources. Today, the founder Magby Mendez, and attorney Angela Francisca gave a presentation engaging community members about how to respond if met by Border Patrol. They chanted at the end of their presentation: “Sí se puede , Sin miedo, si podemos, alta la voz.”
According to the Center for Farmworker Families, about 75% of individuals working in California’s agricultural fields are undocumented many of whom have experienced injuries while on the job. One attorney who specializes in worker’s compensation reminded the farm workers in attendance, that if they obtain an injury, discrimination, etc they can report it regardless of their legal status.
Martinez reminds those who are watching, and who wish to get involved, of the importance of being involved.
“Don’t hold back, if you have an idea or want to start a mutual aid group, get involved in organizations near you. Right now we need all hands on deck, we need all leaders to show up and stand out because we need you to step into your power and be able to serve those communities that need us the most,” said Martinez.
The Celebration Nation Foundation also holds food banks for farm workers in the following locations in Kern County: Wasco, McFarland, and Delano. Additional information can be found on their website Celebration Nation Events.
Flor Martinez Zaragoza can be found on Instagram under the name Flowers In Spanish where she actively uploads the work she conducts.