2020 Census

Arvin community unveils Census mural as last push to encourage residents to get counted

September 22, 2020 / By

Arvin community members came together Tuesday morning to make a last-minute push, encouraging the community to respond to the 2020 Census, with the unveiling of a Census-themed mural in Arvin. 

Census launches local help line two weeks before deadline to assist residents respond to 2020 Census

September 16, 2020 / By

The Census Bureau has created a local phone number to assist Kern County residents respond to the 2020 Census.

Hard-to-count communities in Bakersfield have low response rates with less than one month to respond to 2020 Census

September 4, 2020 / By

The latest Census data shows a number of areas in metro Bakersfield have response rates of less than 50 percent. 

Employees at Bakersfield Census office test positive for COVID-19; officials say safest way to respond to Census is online

August 20, 2020 / By

The U.S. Census Bureau’s Bakersfield Area Census Office previously closed due to employees testing positive for COVID-19, confirmed Angelica Vásquez, the media communications specialist for the Los Angeles Regional Census Center.


August 14, 2020 / By

La Oficina del Censo de EE. UU. ha comenzado a dar seguimiento esta semana a los hogares de California que no han respondido al Censo 2020, que es la etapa final del recuento poblacional de todas las personas que viven en Estados Unidos.

Final stage of 2020 Census count begins this week with home visits

August 12, 2020 / By

The U.S. Census Bureau has begun following up this week with households in California that have not responded to the 2020 Census, which is the final stage of conducting the once-a-decade population count of everyone living in the United States.