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Equal Rights Advocates remains determined to keep fighting after overturn of Roe v. Wade

Equal Rights Advocates (ERA) released a press release after the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade stating that they are enraged by the ruling but determined to keep fighting. 

“With this decision, our movement has lost 50 years of gender justice. We are readying ourselves for the gender and human rights battle of the century—for our bodily autonomy,” ERA stated in the release. 

The release explains that the Dobbs v. Jackson’s ruling threatens the lives and health of millions of people and the economic impacts it will have on parents. They point out that women who are forced to carry are three times more likely to leave the workforce and that they will have more health risks. 

“Studies confirm that women forced to carry pregnancies to term face greater health risks, especially Black women, who are three times more likely to die during childbirth than their white counterparts.” said ERA in the release linking to the CDC maternal mortality rates. “Forced births also have a dire impact on the economic security of women, as well as transgender and nonbinary parents.”

ERA states that the decision was not just to ban abortion but to restrict women to steryotypical gender roles, espeically since meausres are not being added to support working mothers. 

Measures that would help include; subsidized child care, family income support, paid family leave, a living and equal wage, and prohibitions against gender-based violence and harassment that ensure women and other parents stay in the workplace, out of poverty, and economically secure. 

“It’s about keeping women in restricted gender roles—raising children instead of working, dependent on male breadwinners, and isolated at home from the political process affecting their lives. This is evident in the context of today’s Supreme Court decision,” stated ERA.

The release goes on to say that the supreme court will not stop at abortion but it will go after other rights of privacy sucah as contraception and same sex marriage. 

The release ended with the following demands to protect reproductive rights: 

“ERA will double down to improve the economic security of women and others whose ability to participate at school and in the workplace depends on reproductive autonomy, paid leave, childcare access, fair pay, and other reforms,” said ERA. 

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