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Dr. Yamin emphasizes the importance of vaccines during the holidays

The holiday season is meant to bring cheer all around, not viruses. Dr. Zeba Yamin with Dignity Health Group Spoke with Kern Sol News about the importance of getting vaccinated, especially before the holidays. 

Some people still do not see the need for a vaccine. While it was strongly suggested to get vaccinated when the vaccine first came out, the conversation has died down with each booster. Can you discuss the importance of getting vaccinated? How does it help reduce the chances of getting sick or the severity?

One reason for the hesitancy behind vaccines is that they can sometimes make you feel sick for a couple of days afterward. Can you explain why this happens and if people should be concerned?

The holidays typically come with lots of sickness. Are there any specific trends you’re seeing amongst your patients regarding illnesses?

What steps do you recommend people take during the holiday season to avoid spreading viruses?

Is there any recent data that has stuck out to you lately that you think the community should be aware of?

What would you say to someone who was still hesitant to get vaccinated?

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