She’s a woman
She’ll grow up, maybe get a job in her degree
Definitely get a husband
Have as many children as he pleases
She’ll know that managing her family comes before any superficial need she thinks exists
She knows that her duty as a woman
Is to be a loving wife and mother
Yes, I am a woman
Yes, I will get a job in my degree
I might get a husband or even a wife
Who’s to tell? Surely only time
For right now I’ll focus on my doctorates
I’m thinking psychologist… but after seeing Kamala
Maybe i’ll go for president
Don’t start with woman are too emotional
One thing I love about us is
We can take over the world just out of spite to sexisit men
And still be seen as less emotional
See right now women on a journey of a power grab
Women have always been powerful but men tried to push us aside
Especially if we dared to be melanated at the same time
Hold up
We never said you couldn’t be powerful
You can do as you please in the ways that we say
You’re a great wife and mother
It’s so nice to come home to a hot plate with my name on it after a long day
Stop reaching for these roles
It’s not as easy as you assume
Plus men are able to think a bit more clearly
There’s no monthly distraction
And you’re the one that’s supposed to be more caring for the children
That’s why you belong at home or in a more suitable position
Try nursing or caregiving
Excuse me?
So my personality is caring enough for a baby but not a company or country
Please tell me you see the irony
Shouldn’t someone in these positions in charge of
“Laying down the law”
Be caring enough to make sure these laws are just?
Incase you were wondering the answer is yes
That’s why women today are putting your old thoughts and stereotypes to rest
Like Kamala Harris being Vice President and Alexandria Cortez putting men in their place
Making sure their sense of entitlement will no longer be tolerated
They give hope to young women like me
We know now better than ever before
That we can succeed in an role we please
I have a deeper understanding of how to take up space
Never again let a man look down on me
Or interrupt when i’m speaking
I will forever finish my piece and expect silence to ensure you’re listening
-Poetic Jaye