Byanka Santoyo speaks at the news conference on pesticide notification in Shafter, July 23, 2024. Photo courtesy of CPR.
Rosa Miriam Sanchez and her children. (Photo provided by family)
Cal/Osha, the state agency that regulates workplace safety, has issued serious safety violations against Bakersfield ag giant Grimmway Farms, labor contractors Esparza Enterprises, and M&M Labor in the case of Rosa Sanchez of Bakersfield who was run over by a truck while picking carrots on September 20, 2023.
Edited on 6/21 to reflect a correction. Wonderful Nurseries filed a lawsuit against the Agriculture Labor Relations Board.
Farming empire Wonderful Company filed a lawsuit in Kern County Superior Court against the Agricultural Labor Relations Board, ALRB, claiming that the state’s new unionization card check law is illegal and should be nullified.
Los Angeles-based farming empire Wonderful Company will file a lawsuit in Kern County Superior Court today that aims to nullify California’s new “card-check” law.
Clinica Sierra Vista will be holding an event to celebrate agricultural workers during Health Center Week.
Governor Gavin Newsom launched a pilot program to assist undocumented farmworkers with legal assistance for state labor investigations.
Governor Gavin Newsom signed the farmworkers union bill, Assembly Bill 2183, which will allow farmworkers to vote for or against unionization.
Future Farmers of America (FFA) is a program meant to help students succeed in the agricultural field and McFarland High School’s FFA has been doing just that and more.
Clinica Sierra Vista celebrates National Health Center Week from August 7 to August 13, 2022 with different activities to provide awareness on the mission and accomplishments of America’s Health Centers across America which provide contributions to underserved communities.