Because of its antiquated state, Arvin Police Chief Eddie Brock and the city staff requested a proposal for the construction of a new police facility.
The goal was to plan a future building for the police facility as there was commercial property land available for construction at the corner of 4th Ave and N A St. Additionally, there would be potential grants and funding available to obtain for the new police facility project.
In order to get more grants, there must be a proposal ready for discussion. Jeff Jones planned on going for a contract and using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act. His recommendation was that the study gets approved to move forward with the process.
“If we move the police over to that station, we can then repurpose the police department for more administrative offices,” he explained.
He also estimated that $50,000 dollars would be used to complete the study of a possible new police station.
Chief Eddie Brock suggested that the money should be used for the structure and sustainability of the building. He stated that the building will always have a purpose if it is structured for a general purpose.
“The most important thing is that when you’re building for the future you are building for potential growth for a department,” Chief Brock mentioned.
Despite these suggestions, Mayor Trujillo couldn’t agree to spend the money on a new facility at the moment, but suggested it could be revisited topic in the future.
“I would like, of course, to have a facility department for our police department, but most important right now I see the need for public safety,” said Mayor Trujillo. ““I think the money that we have right now should be left in some kind of a fund that we can use later, but I do not agree that we should spend $50,000 on this now when we can use this money for something else.”