Bakersfield Police drop Alex Garcia investigation 

August 16, 2024 /

Slightly more than three weeks after a video surfaced on social media alleging that ex-Wasco mayor Alex Garcia had attempted to meet with a 15-year-old boy for a sexual encounter, Bakersfield police have run into a wall of silence after launching an investigation. 

“We’ve made multiple attempts to contact all of the involved parties to continue the investigation. With no cooperating witnesses or victims, we are unable to continue the investigation,” wrote BPD Sgt. Eric Celedon in an email. However, things may still change later on. “The case has been closed, however, if any parties change their minds and wish to participate, the case can be re-opened,” wrote Celedon. 

Garcia did not return calls and texts for comment. His attorney, Jared Thompson is reportedly out of town and has not returned messages asking for comment. 

On or about July 24, a video posted on Facebook by a group called Bakersfield Crime Watch went viral. It showed Garcia being assaulted by two unidentified men, accusing him of attempting to meet with a minor. The men claimed to have set up a meeting with Garcia while posing online as a minor somewhere in Bakersfield. However, police were unable to determine the time and location of the incident. 

Public reaction to the video was swift. The Kern County Democratic Central Committee Issued a statement calling on Garcia to step down as Wasco mayor. Wasco residents who attended the first city council meeting after the video surfaced expressed disappointment in Garcia. 

Garcia resigned from his post on August 1.

“I want to assure you that the accusations made against me are mischaracterized and inaccurate and certainly do not reflect who I am or what I stand for. However, due to the controversy surrounding these allegations, I am left with no choice but to resign for the overall health and success of our great city to ensure that you can continue moving projects along and making positive changes with no distractions,” wrote Garcia in a statement. 

Garcia has not made any public appearances since the video surfaced.

Jose Gaspar

José Gaspar is a veteran journalist and former news anchor/reporter with Telemundo, Bakersfield. Prior, he worked 28 years at KBAK-TV as a reporter. Email him at