Lamont and Weedpatch residents who have been working on wastewater issues for five years will finally have a chance to review the findings of an independent study of Lamont Public Utilities District’s (LPUD) plans, and ensure that the study’s recommendations are implemented to protect community health.
When LPUD developed a backup plan for handling wastewater, residents involved with Building Healthy Communities – South Kern (BHC-SK) asked for an independent review of their wastewater handling plans in order to ensure that they would not have a negative impact on the health of the community, as well as the community’s future growth and development. That study has been completed and the community will learn about the findings and be able to give input and recommendations at a community meeting to be held this Tuesday. Currently, LPUD sends more than one million gallons of wastewater to be used to irrigate compost each day.
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