The Kern High School District has begun implementing its Phased Reopening of In-Person Instruction Plan on March 15, 2021 with the return of some of the district’s most vulnerable, at-risk and high-need students.
The District is excited to move forward with welcoming back the following additional phases of students to KHSD campuses over the next few weeks:
• April 6, 2021 – All Mild/Moderate students with disabilities who have not yet returned; remaining ROC/CTEC students
• April 12, 2021 – All seniors at all school sites
• April 21, 2021 – All freshman at all school sites
• April 28, 2021 – All sophomores and juniors at all school sites
“The wellbeing of our students and staff is our top priority. We are pleased to welcome back our students to a safe return to school,” said Jeff Flores, KHSD Board of Trustees President. “Our teachers, staff, and District have done whatever it takes to educate our students during trying times, and we will continue to do so.”
Distance learning will remain an option for those students who do not wish to return to in-person instruction.
“All Kern High School District students wanting to return to in-person instruction this school year will be able to do so by the end of April,” said Bryon Schaefer, KHSD Superintendent. “Our teachers and staff remain committed to providing instruction and support services to all students.”
All students will continue to receive free meal service either through daily grab-and-go meals on campus or via drive-through distribution.
The District will continue following California Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidance for schools, including daily health screenings, hand hygiene, face coverings, and physical distancing. Students and staff are required to wear face coverings in accordance to the CDPH guidelines while at school.
Hand sanitizer will be available in every classroom and additional hand washing stations have been installed on campuses. Face coverings will be provided for students and staff, but they may wear their own appropriate face covers as well. Each school has its COVID Prevention Plan posted on its website with more details.
All plans are subject to changing environmental conditions and local or state guidance updates. School sites will be communicating additional return to school information with parents/guardians in the coming weeks. The District will also update any new information on the KHSD website