The city of Arvin is providing an emergency cooling center due to a two-day power outage

June 23, 2022 /

The power outage was due to a lightning strike that happened Wednesday afternoon. The power is expected to be restored by noon on Friday.

In the meantime, the City of Arvin is inviting those without power to utilize the open emergency cooling centers located at:

  • City Hall Council Chambers 200 Campus Drive, Arvin, CA 93203
  • Arvin Veteran’s Hell 414 4th Avenue, Arvin, CA, 93203

The City of Arvin has partnered with the Red Cross and Kern County Emergency Services to help the community of Arvin with necessities such as water, seating, and air-conditioning.

On Wednesday night, PG&E crews restored power to 1,162 customers. Currently, a total of 5,027 PG&E customers remain without electricity.

Those who have experienced a power outage for more than 48 hours can qualify for a compensation of $25–$100 through the Safety Net Program. To claim this compensation call 1-888-PGE-4PGE or 1-888-743-4743.

The power outage has also left many businesses in Arvin shut down such as fast-food restaurants and local grocery stores.

Supervisor Leticia Perez and Mayor Pr Team Daniel Borreli will be distributing food and water at the Arvin Veterans Hall for those who were affected by the power outage.

For more assistance or questions due to the power outage in Arvin please contact Arvin City Hall at 661-854-3134.

Erica Murillo

Erica Murillo is a project coordinator and reporter at South Kern Sol. She was born in Bakersfield, California, and her origin is from Guanajuato, Mexico. She is a first-generation graduate from California State University, Bakersfield where she earned a degree in Liberal Studies with a minor in English. Murillo's first job was working in the fields picking grapes. She has been able to evolve and continue to grow within her career. She can be reached at