A free community vaccine clinic took place in Wasco on Sunday, allowing those aged five to 60 to receive their COVID-19 vaccine if they hadn’t already. During the event, free at-home COVID-19 tests, masks, hand sanitizers, and other goodies were provided for those in attendance.
Community members mostly came in for their first or second booster vaccine. At this clinic, Kern Sol News was able to register families for their vaccines and ask them why they decided to get vaccinated.
Eva Duran and her husband from Wasco decided to receive their vaccines after getting sick a few months ago. Eva already had both doses but influenced her husband to get the first dose since they know they can still get sick but not be as ill when they are protected with the COVID vaccine.
“We don’t know how many illnesses are to come, we feel like getting our vaccine right now is the best decision we can make” stated Eva.
Allison is 5 years old, and Alessandra is 6, getting their first dose this morning since they have returned to school and their parents will feel safe about their health.
Eileen, a special education teacher from Shafter, decided to get her booster since she went back to work this past week.
“I am around students all day and I want to be able to be there for them so I can’t afford to get sick for myself as well as them,” Eileen stated.
It was a great day for those that are going back to school to receive their vaccines. Families were able to take home masks and hand sanitizers for their kids to take to school.