As the Bakersfield City Council’s decision on whether or not to approve the Majestic Gateway Project approaches, local leaders have scheduled a community meeting for this afternoon to further discuss what this project would mean for the community surrounding Greenfield and South Bakersfield.
The meeting will take place at 5 p.m. on November 15 at Greenfield Park and will allow residents to learn more about the project and identify mitigation measures in case the project is approved.
“If approved, you and your family’s health and overall life can be impacted by noise, heavy truck traffic, lights, and other disturbances. If you would like to learn more or stop this project, join us for a community meeting,” the Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability wrote in a press release.
During the November 2 Bakersfield City Council meeting, the Majestic Gateway Realty Company requested to table the City Council’s decision until the November 16 meeting. There is still time for residents to provide comments about the risk of having a one-million-square-foot distribution center/warehouse near their homes and schools.
November 16 will be the last day to provide comments via email or in person to demand the City Council oppose the Majestic Gateway Project.
“Distribution Centers do not belong near residents,” the Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability stated.
Verbal comments can be made in person or sent to the City Clerk at