The Community Action Partnership of Kern (CAPK) has an energy program known as the Water Utility Assistance program that provides financial assistance to residents who may need it. Once an application has been submitted with the required documentation, CAPK will determine what applications an applicant is eligible for and ensures they receive the most assistance possible.
Households that qualify could reduce their water or wastewater charges, or both if their bills include both services, by up to $15,000.
“Water usage costs continue to rise, and our continuing drought doesn’t help matters. If you’re falling behind on your bills, CAPK’s Energy Programs may be able to help you pay for your water or wastewater bills through our Water Utility Assistance program,” the CAPK website states. “Water Utility Assistance can help pay current or past due water bills accrued during any time frame. There is no date restriction.”
According to the CAPK website, water assistance is usually pain within eight weeks directly to the water company. An application must include a completed Water Intake Form (CSD41) and Landlord Verification Form (CSD040). The following documentation must also be submitted:
- Proof of Household Income
- Proof of income from all household members or proof of participation in CalFresh or CalWORKs, pr proof you have received utility bill assistance in the past 120 days.
- Utility Bill
- Copy of water or wastewater bill or property tax bill where water or wastewater bills can be identified.
- A household with water or wastewater utilities included in rent must be past due on their rent. The following documentation is required:
- Copy of signed landlord agreement confirming the landlord-tenant relationship and that water and/or wastewater utilities are included in the rent
- If the tenant is past due, the number of months and the amount of water and/or wastewater utilities are past due.
- Copy of water and/or wastewater utility bill for services provided to the rental property occupied by the renter applicant.
Only households that receive their water or wastewater from a provider enrolled in LIHWAP are able to receive assistance. As of April 25, 2023, the following providers in Kern County are enrolled in LIHWAP:
- Arvin CSD
- Cal Water
- Casa Loma Water Company
- City of Tehachapi
- City of Wasco
- Lamont Public Utility District
- Lost Hills Utility District
- Rosamond Community Services District
- City of California
- City of Delano
- City of McFarland
- City of Shafter
- Dune 3 Mutual Water Company LLC
- East Niles Community Services District
- Frazier Park Public Utility District
- Krista Mutual Water Company
- Lake of The Woods
- West Kern Water District
- Rand Communities Water District
- Indian Wells Valley Water District
If your water provider isn’t on the list, you may call and ask them to enroll in LIHWAP.
To find out if you qualify for assistance with your water bills, you can call 2-1-1. There’s no cost to see if you qualify and any assistance you receive doesn’t have to be paid back.