
COMMENTARY: I chose to pre-register to vote; Will you?

October 19, 2020 / By

Today is the last day to register to vote, and it’s crucial to get out and vote with the presidential election right around the corner.

COMMENTARY: The Latino community needs to make their voices heard by voting

September 30, 2020 / By

In the 2016 presidential election, around 138 million Americans had cast their vote; however, this number only makes up 58.1 percent of eligible voters, and based on data from The United States Elections Project, this number is less than previous years: 2008 (61.6%), and 2012 (58.6%).

COMMENTARY: It’s time to rid of the sit-out rule, students need to play sports now more than ever

September 14, 2020 / By

September marks the one-year anniversary of the Delano Joint Union High School District adopting the one-year sit-out rule, which prohibits transferring students from playing sports for one year.

COMMENTARY: The pandemic has me missing my abuela on Grandparents Day, but it won’t stop me from learning about her history

September 11, 2020 / By

Sunday, Sept. 13, marks National Grandparents Day 2020 in the United States, and I would love to celebrate with my abuela just as I have done in the past.

COMMENTARY: My freshman year of high school is full of confusion, nervousness, and hope

August 21, 2020 / By

Freshman in high school across the nation are starting a school year that virtually no other freshman has experienced in the past.

COMMENTARY: Voter history plays a role in your vote today

August 19, 2020 / By

Voting has always been and still is a very important right — a right that some groups have fought for for decades.