Renters wanted to know what they could do to get help on various issues with their landlord and or management company.
Slightly more than three weeks after a video surfaced on social media alleging that ex-Wasco mayor Alex Garcia had attempted to meet with a 15-year-old boy for a sexual encounter, Bakersfield police have run into a wall of silence after launching an investigation.
In Kern County, Valley Fever has been on the rise. In 2023, Kern County Public Health reported 3,153 cases of Valley Fever in Kern County.
For the second time, both the City of Bakersfield and Kern County’s Housing Elements have been deemed out of compliance by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).
Low-income residents and families who struggle with housing issues with their landlords are about to get some much-needed help from the city of Bakersfield.
In what appears to be a tragic accident, a farmworker was crushed to death while harvesting almonds according to a brief statement from the state Department of Industrial Relations, Cal/OSHA.