Posts Tagged as "Greenfield Walking Group"

Líder local activa a su comunidad, alienta a los jóvenes a abogar

September 26, 2022 / By

Nota del Editor: Para celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, Kern Sol News está destacando a notables líderes hispanos en el Condado de Kern que están trabajando para crear un cambio positivo en su comunidad.

Local leader activates her community, encourages youth to advocate

September 26, 2022 / By
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Editor’s Note: To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, Kern Sol News is highlighting notable Hispanic leaders in Kern County who are working to create positive change in their community.

Greenfield Garden Brings Produce to South Kern

April 4, 2014 / By
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By Alfredo Camacho / South Kern Sol

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — The issue of availability of fresh local produce is somewhat resolved for the wealthier communities of Kern County, such as those of Haggin Oaks, who enjoy a weekly farmer’s market.

One Year Later, Greenfield Locals Seeing Benefits of Garden

September 11, 2013 / By
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By Chris Romo for South Kern Sol

BAKERSFIELD – About a year ago, the City of Bakersfield offered a plot of land in southeast Bakersfield to the Greenfield Walking Group, to plant a community garden.

Walking Toward Community Health, Safety

February 14, 2013 / By
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By Gladys Colotl/South Kern Sol

GREENFIELD– The Greenfield Walking Group has achieved another goal in their quest in getting their community healthier: they’re a non-profit organization.